Oct 24 2007
Blog Spam
I just activated Akismet to deal with the blog spam I’m getting bombarded with. Ogre’s used spam karma, but Akismet should help me out quite a lot. We shall see…
Less than a full day later, I admit I am loving Akismet so far. It’s blocked quite a lot of spam so far.
Let me know Akismet works. I’m kind of curious, because I like how it is seamless. Spam Karma has that huge banner thing on the bottom, which, due to the license agreement, you can’t remove. It works pretty good, don’t get me wrong. But, that copyright banner is sort of an eyesore.
I’ve only had it for a day or so and I love it. Just sign up for a wordpress account to get the API key (all free). It was a piece of cake, especially since it was an upgrade – everything was up-to-date.
Askismet has blocked 53 spams already, and it’s only been a day and a half.