Jan 02 2008
Back to Work
Well IGN began publishing again today after the holiday break and I must admit it’s good to be back. Along with getting the new Dell PC, I moved my computer station to another room. I still haven’t gotten everything unpacked and sorted to where I want, so I’m really “out of it” right now. I think it was good for some sense of normalcy to return while I try to get my little computer station back together and organized.
Also, I sent in two rebates today. I don’t particularly look forward to sending in rebates because we’ve all heard of the horror stories… never getting the promised money. Well, I have to admit that I’ve had pretty good luck with rebates.
The two particular rebates for today were for the Lost Season 3 DVD and my new D-Link router. Neither is for a serious chunk of change, but $10 each is still nice. I’m not going to turn it down afterall. I just had to make sure I had all of the info they asked for and get it postmarked before the expiration date.
And speaking of the mail, I sent in for my replacement discs for Ghost Hunters. I mentioned in a previous post that there was a recall offer for the second season DVDs due to mistakes made in the production. I hope they get the remastered discs to me. I’ve already heard of a few complaints regarding the recall. One guy spoke of damaged discs when he received them and there’s no information on the discs of the case stating that the discs are remastered. I’ll have to wait and see what I end up with before I worry too much. But it sure makes me wonder about the company. Not all DVD companies do a good job and I’m wondering if they will get Season 3 correct. I have the first volume of that season but I haven’t put it in the DVD player yet.
Also, I upgraded WordPress. I figured I may as well as it deals with a security hole. That pretty much wraps up tonight’s post other than to mention a video I saw on YouTube. I actually saw it linked to on Digg, which I seem to be visiting less and less these days. It’s a standup bit by Joe Rogan. It’s very over the top, but the meat of what he’s saying is funny.
Hey, I think he might be right about the pyramids 😉 Anyway. I thought about getting LOST Season 3, since I have 1 and 2, but I’m not sure I want them on regular DVD now. Did you see that Samsung has just announced a player that will do both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD?
No, I didn’t hear that. I know there are combo drives out there but they cost a fortune. I’m holding off.
I don’t blame you on that. I think this combo player was like $799!