May 10 2008
Hillary, It’s Over
Although I follow the news and politics, it’s never something I feel compelled to discuss here. I guess it’s because I just get tired of it after a while and don’t want to bring it up again. Well, the fact that Hillary Clinton is still trying to become the nominee has, for me, at least, reached a point where it’s just embarrassing to watch.
The other night, NBC Nightly News had Tim Russert on and he brought out his little white-board and showed how there is no mathematical way for her to get enough delegates and superdelegates to beat Obama. She’s just hoping to prove that Barack isn’t as strong as people think he is by winning a state here and there.
At some point, I had hoped reason would sink in, but I just heard this week that she loaned her campaign another $5 million or so. All I could do is shake my head when I heard that. There’s nothing for her to win at this point.
It’s time to admit defeat, pack it up, and move out of the state of denial.