Jan 08 2009
Technical Difficulties
Well, here in the midwest, Charter or AT&T is dealing with another cut fiber or some other problem and it’s making Internet speeds a little slower than normal. I’m just glad there is an Internet right now. A lot of people have complained, with even a few big threads created on Blizzard’s World of Warcraft forum. Pings are all over the place. Everyone in Wisconsin, Michigan, and northern Illinois seems to be affected.
I’ve noticed routing to certain locations to be slow. Giganews is extremely slow for me, while I can connect to Astraweb just fine. :-/
Yesterday, I even had problems connecting to a certain website. It would always time out. Other locals couldn’t pull up the site either, though people I know in other parts of the country could find it just fine.
In other news, I burned a coaster. I burn a fair number of DVDs, but it’s been a long time since I burned a coaster. It seems to be a defective disc. At least, that’s what I’m hoping. I don’t want to have to replace a DVD burner if I can help it. It’s just not something I’m eager to bother with.